Saturday, March 14, 2015

3-14-15 ISIT REAL OR ISIT GENUFLEX? 15; 23 through 25 JFK Murder

March 14, 2015 ISIT REAL OR ISIT GENUFLEX? 15 JFK Mureder

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Time Travel War, The Power Of Now!

23) We can say that it was his departure from the Vietnam War and The Federal Reserve System. We can say it was hate from Lyndon Johnson who was about to get prosecuted for his organized criminality by JFK, William Dulles for being fired over the Bay of Pigs intentional botch or any of the mob bosses whose soldiers were getting put away by Jacks brother Bobby the Attorney General. We can say lots of things including that JFK was going to disclose the existence of time travel since the beginning of humanity and the existence of other human like beings from other planets that have been here first so I am not sure if they can be called Alien. Some say that we are at war with these others now and others say that we are working together. My guess is that if this is true then it can be very complex and complicated. I think it could also be very simple.

24)Time travel and Alien life are talked about in ancient text and graphics all around the globe as are other stories like those of recent interplanetary collision with earth and cataclysmic electrical discharge that may have caused most of the craters on the Moon and Mars. Sumerian cuneiform tells stories of the first human born on earth created by the Anunaki. The Hindu Vedas tell stories that are billions of years old that include anti gravity devices and time travel. Occultists like Fulcanelli suggest that dormant volcano flumes may be used in time travel. Modern Scientists like Nassim Haramein say that the crystals that form in dormant volcano flumes create an energy that facilitates time travel of some sort. Many if not all Pyramids around the globe are built over sources of Natural plasma like Volcanoes and Artesian Wells. Andrew Basiago states that Dr. Stirling Colgate at Los Alamos National Labs used confined plasma chambers in Project Pegasus for physical teleportation. Graham Hancock points out that Gunung Panang, a giant Pyramid in a volcanic region of Indonesia is built around a mysterious chamber inside a lava pocket at the end of a dormant flume. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built over an artesian well with a mysterious network of insulated conduits leading to the great chamber. Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are believed to have started an underground city in a dormant volcano in the jungles of Venezuela, they may have been Aliens?

25) Knight Of Malta John Alexander McCone was appointed to be director of the CIA in 1961 after William Dulles was fired. Throughout his life, before and after, he was involved with many huge events in our history. McCone was previously the director of the Atomic Energy Commission, like JFK he was concerned with Israel's nuclear capability and was appointed even though he was a Republican known for his war profiteering, some say that Jack was under Conservative pressure. John Alexander McCone was Directer Of The CIA during the assassination of his boss. In 1937 he helped to form Bechtel- McCone-Parsons Engineering Corporation. Bechtel and Parsons are both enormous and controversial companies now, Bechtel is still a “Defense Contractor”. Andrew Basiago states that his father was the chief engineer at the Ralph M. Parsons Company for the Project Pegasus time travel programs that he and his father were involved in during the seventies and eighties. In 1965 McCone became director of perhaps the most notorious companies of all, International Telephone and Telegraph, ITT.

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