Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3-10-15 ISIT REAL OR ISIT GENUFLEX? 15; 20 through 21 JFK Murder


20) I really wanted to show that JFK was involved in “The Big Event”, that he was not killed. I wanted the blur in frame 314 of the Zapruder film to be a huge mass of bull brains and stuff representing Jacks hair, skin, skull, blood and brains coming from the sleeve of his right arm shot onto his head with a CIA version of a festival party popper. The exploding head could have easily been edited into this crude super8 film with advanced technology not yet in the public for twenty or forty years. Technology has always been much more advanced than the general population is led to believe, some data will never be let out, much is destroyed. When living on this level of society, everything can get real confusing, it's always been this way “Et tu, Brute?”. Then Jackie injects John with a knock out dose before doing the trunk crawl. While out like a light Jack is double crossed and later killed, unless he can not die, where he is further sedated, given a cement overcoat and later dumped out in the doldrums.. But I looked at enough Zapruder slow motion and various head shot stills to believe President Kennedy was probably hit at least twice from opposite directions almost simultaneously causing a strange action and head explosion. I believe the shot from the west window sixth floor was slightly first and a shot from behind the wooden fence second. What had really happened may be orders of magnitude more disturbing.

21) If time travel exists or will exist in a billion years then it exists now, not only because somehow it is all going on at once or that I believe the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy would certainly be a choice destination but because once time travel is initiated into the universe, time travel will be everywhere in the entirety of existence because those who we affect in the infinite eons of extreme future and universal distance would have all the time there is to be here making sure everything is purring like a kitten. This then can certainly complicate everything infinity more in every way that there is.

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