Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 ISIT REAL OR ISIT GENUFLEX? 15; 28 through 30 JFK Murder


"The Big Event", "It depends upon what the meaning of the word is, is"

28) Time Travel, Hyperspace, Interdimentional Reality, Psychic Reality and Energetic Reality or Energetic Body Manipulation are some ways to conceptualize an extremely broad mysterious way of experiencing our universe or multiverse, if you want to call it that. Man Made, Natural, Extra Terrestrial, Spiritual, Physical, Scientific and Religious ways of conceptualizing our perception of existence all seem to point towards the same mysterious broad area. This may be why those who are in power seem to be controlling or destroying ancient history, it is the only thing left to hide.

29) It is known that the blocks of ancient buildings have unknown amounts of unknown data in their masonry joints because they have been used over and over again like the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary in Mexico City is built from the lava Rocks that were carved by the Aztecs or those before them this is true all around the word. Entire cities under the ocean are kept secret and patrolled by nuclear sub and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Sensing Equipment. Michael Cremo points out how institutional archaeology is a travesty. Cuneiform data on clay will store for many tens of thousands of years even surviving floods or nuclear blasts. Verbal records last as long as the culture that keep them alive exists. Books on paper tend to get burned or wet but can store data for thousands of years if taken care of. Chemical or electric Analogue data needs to be taken care of, magnetic tapes may not last fifty years same with film vinyl lasts much longer. Computer data can be erased or manipulated on anyone's computer remotely and easily and I am finding that this is possible with the human brain.

30) I know that there is a broad accepted way to experience reality and there are unacceptable ways to experience reality. We know of concepts that exist but they may be too big or too small to sense and there are ways of experiencing the universe that we will never dream of. In in this broad sense of looking at our existence, to be able to explain what it is that we experiencing is complex and complicated. In my mind I find it necessary to add another very thick layer to this model; both natural and synthetic reincarnation which may include but is not limited to the downloading and uploading of software or souls to and from multiple bodies and the sharing of bodies with multiple programs that may be broadcast in hyperspace speeds from other galaxies or dimentions like in the Holy Trinity, a Manchurian Candidate, MK Ultra Super Soldier, a Montauk Pineal Warrior, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams or Carrie. My personal experience is that on multiple occasions over the span of my life, even as an infant, I have been experiencing what many UFO abductees have been talking about. I have on many more occasions than the four that I can remember clearly have sensed that I was being pulled from my body while sleeping. I have resisted this force and found myself fighting what felt like invisible children. I have woken up into another very lucid dream over and over and I have suffered prolonged wounds from what ever it is that I was experiencing. I am not the only person who says that are many situations where I should have died and didn't.

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