March 14, 2015 Saturday Status
Warning! Words in this Status Update may be offensive to week minded Gangstalking NIGGERS, if so please put gun to head and the pull trigger. (smiley face).
1) I had difficulty sleeping even though I smoked a descent amount of Cannabis Oil. As is standard after a directed energy attack I had to urinate excessively, 5 times throughout the night, about two fifths of a gallon. My apatite is good, I may be eating too much, digestion is fair. The previous night I awoke with sweats and did not mention it. There was a moment when my unconscious mind was beginning to surface with very clear audio and visual, a woman in orange began to speak. This dream was immediately shut down by the sound of a car engine just like is sometimes done with an electromagnetic signal as I have spoken about. I have also spoken about how when clearly conscious like at the bar, when my mind seems to race it is shut down by a blender or one of many other seemingly arbitrary interruptions. I have very little doubt that I am broadcasting electromagnetic signals that are being received by the brains of other people. This may be natural or induced. This morning my brain is slow, a four on a ten scale five being average, spelling and typing is good.
2) The entoptic wave signatures that I had experienced two mornings ago at around sunrise were some of the longest lasting of such displays that I had experienced, the longest duration of which were around 15 seconds and could be refreshed untill I shook my head for about fifteen seconds and they quickly dissipated. They were present in both eyes but at least one thousand percent more prevalent in the right eye, I tested both eyes separately by keeping one closed and refreshing the other. It seems as though some of the flashing wave signatures may be in both eyes. They are not easily visible in the dark unless I first look into light when I experience different types of flashing patterns that could easily be related to the frequency and wavelength of a directed energy assault on visually related neurons in my brain. The last time that I spoke to Bob Sweeny not long before he was murdered, he had described this phenomenon to me.
3) In my right eye the same group of twenty or so flashing signatures would reappear every time I would refresh their display by looking into a bright part of the sky, closing my eye and opening it again. Some signature displays lasted longer than others, some were in union. They were of different shapes and sizes varying from two percent of my vision to thirty percent. Thirty percent being much of my vision, a longer wavelength with less frequency and not as bright as those that took up less vision with a shorter wavelength and higher frequency in the flashing. The smaller higher frequency flashing signatures are much brighter and can be seen through the bigger flashing white light signatures. 75 percent signature were in a cluster as if the same area of my brain was assaulted. I suspect that because I am not grounding myself and loading myself up with salt which I can taste in my saliva allows my body to have a much higher electromagnetic capacitance therefore broadcasting a stronger signal that is interfering with the brains of weak minded degenerates who have their hand on the switch connected to the satellite that is assaulting me with directed energy designed to squelch my signal and perhaps to permanently damage my brain. This may be the reason why I am many times either alone in a public place or thrown out by degenerate niggers.
4) I am beginning to suspect that much of the Tinnitus that I am hearing is to block audio that may be otherwise broadcasted. I know for a fact that my audio and visual imagination has been stunted drastically since I had started to experience these assaults.
5) A few things; a) Richard Williams had mentioned that the entire universe could be created with the yellow handled paring knife when I looked at it, he drilled it in at least twice, this is basically the definition of a hologram, the information needed to made the whole can be found in any of its parts. I had been thinking about this much lately because it is time travel related and I really am suspecting that on many occasions when I was supposed to die, I don't think I did as if the program was changed or the reset button was pushed. I suspect some very unbelievable things had happened.....b) Richard Williams had mentioned Rockwood in perhaps a funny suggestive sense while driving to get beer, he must have mentioned it eight or ten times in the mile before we got there and then possibly suggested that there was some type of Geographical / Time offset connected with the two Rockwoods in my life. I know this sounds strange, but this is very much like Ayahuasca in the sense of an unclear and complex repetitive perception of time and space which I am beginning to now see throughout my life without Dimetyltryptamine.
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