Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 The Joshua Tree Saloon violates the Constitution!

March 20, 2015 Friday The Joshua Tree Saloon violates the Constitution!

1) Holly Carlyle who seems to be somehow associated with the USMC invited me to see, I paraphrase "a marching band for drunks" , "THE WET SECRETS" from Canada at the Joshua Tree Saloon. They must be a marching band for Fascism! 'The Wet Secrets" sounds Gangstalk like to me. What can one expect for the USMC, the punk ass General will not even protect us from Organized  Criminal Gangstalking here around the ...BASE.

2) The Joshua Tree Saloon violates the civil rights of many members of this community by arbitrarily discriminating service to people that they do not like. This act of hate is a violation of the California Unruh Civil Rights Act Chapter 4. Anyone who does business with these Gangstalkers have no respect for Liberty, Freedom or the Pursuit of Happiness.

3) Chapter 4 - Public Accommodations, Businesses and Services
The Unruh Civil Rights Act
The Unruh Civil Rights Act (76), or Unruh Act, as discussed in the housing chapter of this publication, applies to all business establishments of every kind whatsoever which provide services, goods, or accommodations to the public. Businesses subject to the Unruh Act include bookstores, gymnasiums, shopping centers, mobile home parks, bars and restaurants, schools, medical and dental offices, hotels and motels, and condominium homeowners associations. (77) The Unruh Act prohibits all types of arbitrary discrimination, and not just discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disability or medical condition. (78) The Unruh Act also prohibits discrimination based on personal characteristics, geographical origin, physical attributes, and individual beliefs. For example, the arbitrary exclusion of individuals from a restaurant based on their sexual orientation is prohibited. (79)
You can pursue an Unruh Act claim by filing a verified complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or a private lawsuit. If a business establishment is engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination, you can refer the matter to the Attorney General's Office or to your local district or city attorney. Please refer to the housing chapter of this publication for the procedures to follow and remedies available in redressing your claim for a public accommodation's violation of the Unruh Act.

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